On March 27th, we are happy to welcome Bob Fosbury with his presentation "We are stardust! The origin of the chemical elements."
You may all fondly believe that you were conceived in a big bang. Your
bodies, however, are built from raw materials that emerged from "the"
Big Bang some 13.7 billion years ago. This primordial gas consisted
mostly of hydrogen and helium and so a great deal of cosmic history had
to unfold before the rich mix of chemical elements became available to
make you into the charming, beautiful people you are.
This is the story of how these basic chemical building blocks were
constructed during those 13.7 billion years. It is a tale of gravity, of
stellar birth and death and of a gradual synthesis of the elements as
we see them around us today. It is a wonderful story and actually
dreadfully complicated. But I'll use lots of great pictures and try to
tell it in a way that will excite you as much as it does me! Using our
telescopes as time machines, we can see many parts of the process being
acted out in front of our eyes.
Bob recently hosted a Hubble talk which can be seen at: