April Program Meeting
Wednesday, April 19th at 6:30 PM
The topic of our April meeting is "What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness," a TED talk by Harvard researcher Dr. Robert Waldinger, director of the Center for Psychodynamic Therapy and Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, and director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, a 75-year-long study on the lives of 724 adult men.
Dr. Waldinger is the fourth Director of the study, which is now following their wives (who said it’s about time!) and over 2000 children. The study has looked at the work, home lives (including intimate conversations with their wives) and health (including medical records) of a split group of men from one of Boston’s poorest neighborhoods and Harvard Sophomores.
For more information, please contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Book Club
This month we are meeting on April 25th at 7 pm to discuss Anglo Saxon Attitudes, by Agnus Wilson. If anyone is interested in joining, please email our club president at: info@aaupw.de and she will give you the details and add your name to the email list.
Tuesday, April 25th at 19:00
As always, please bring some food to share!
New Due Date for FBARs
Dear Members, please note: we normally do not involve ourselves in such matters. But as it was mentioned at the last meeting by a member, we feel it is our duty to keep you informed.
Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)
The date for filing the FBAR has been changed to to April 15 to coincide with the federal income tax filing season. It also will automatically grant all taxpayers filing the form a six-month extension every year to October 15th (which will be October 16th, 2017, as October 15th is a Sunday). FinCEN explained that this six-month extension will be automatic each year and that taxpayers do not have to request extensions.
ESME Spring Concert - Saturday, April 22
The next ESME (English-Speaking Musical Ensembles) event is coming up this month. Tickets are available via the ESME website, with reduced prices for students and children. Further details:
ESME website
Entity's English language Theater in Munich
Entity Theater's spring production: "Numbers"
Entity Theatre’s 2017 spring production is the European premiere of "Numbers," originally written in Spanish by Mar Gómez Glez for the Royal Court Theatre in London, and translated into English by William Gregory.
In 2009, the crew of the Spanish shrimp trawler Francisco y Catalina rescued 51 migrants drifting aboard a sinking raft in the Mediterranean Sea. The crew and refugees were denied access to the Maltese port of Valletta and were left stranded. They struggled to survive as food, water, and patience quickly dwindled. Meanwhile, diplomatic efforts were made to resolve the situation while the matter was hotly debated by the public and media.
"Numbers" is based on the events which transpired while the vessel was stuck in diplomatic limbo. It is a political play. It's serious, it's satirical, it's deep, yet it is also humorous.
Performances are at Pepper Theater, pep Einkaufs-Center, U5/U7 Neuperlach Zentrum
April 27 – 29, 2017 at 8 pm
April 30, 2017 at 3 pm
May 4 – 6, 2017 at 8 pm
May 7, 2017 at 3 pm
To purchase tickets, please go to www.entitytheatre.com
Handel's Messiah - Easter Music
Sing-a-Long Messiah and Open Sing
Sunday, April 30th at 2:00 pm
For a bit of spring joy, come along and sing the Messiah (Easter section) with orchestra and professional / semi-professional soloists. This event has been held for (at least) the last 35 years and is always a wonderful, friendly occasion. Admission free (donations welcome)
Scores are provided, bring your own if you have one. Listeners are welcome, too.
Church of the Ascension
Seybothstr. 4
81545 Munich
Beer Garden Opening Party!
Beer Garden Opening PartyThe Waldwirtschaft, Großhesselohe, Georg-Kalb-Str. 3, 82049 München cordially invites us to their Beer Garden Opening party on 22 April. The festivities will start at noon and will continue through the afternoon.
For this occasion we proudly announce that Mel Canady and Chessboard will perform for us with their fantastic selection of good old soul, blues and jazz. This band will have you on your feet dancing. Come on out and enjoy a wonderful afternoon of good food, good music and good times. Everyone is invited, and we hope that you can find time to join us. There is no cover charge, nor advance payment. You just pay for what you consume in the beer garden. We only ask for a small tip for the band.
The Waldwirtschaft is easily reachable per S-Bahn S7, Exit Isartal Bahnhof. From there it is about a 15 minute walk to the beer garden. Even though parking is available, we strongly urge you to arrive per S-Bahn or per bicycle. Please let me know per return email if you can attend, so I know how many tables I need to reserve. See you there.
Dorian Dave Dowdy
Bavarian-American Friendship Day!
This is the party that we have all been waiting for!
Tina Krätz, Johanna Barsy and the entire Hippodrom team proudly invite us to the annual Bavarian-American Friendship Day at the Hippodrom tent located at the Frühlingsfest, Theresienwiese on Sunday, 23 April. The festivities begin at 6 p.m. and will continue until closing time.
Linda Jo Rizzo will be performing on stage with her fantastic singing and entertainment talents. We all know what a wonderful show she puts on for us. Get ready for an evening of great music, good food and lots of dancing. There is no particular dress code, but you are encouraged to wear something in Bavaria-look to this party. The Hippodrom again offers us a free pretzel for every guest, and those fantastic hamburgers made from Kobe-beef will be available at a specially reduced price for us. For this event there is no cover charge, nor is there any advance payment to be made. You only pay for what you consume.
Everyone is welcome, not only the MING groups but individuals as well. If you have friends that may be interested in joining us, please feel free to send this email to them. Last year we had 800 guests, and I would love to top this amount this year. Those of us who have enjoyed this party before know what a great time we have always had.
If you want to attend please let me know per email so that I know how many tables I have to reserve. You may take your seats at 6 p.m. All seats not taken by 7 p.m. will be given to other guests, so please arrive on time.
The Bavarian-American Friendship Day is one of the biggest parties being offered in Munich during the spring season, so let's have some fun. This is how we do it.
Dorian Dave Dowdy
June Walking Tour
This year’s walking tour for AAUPW will be conducted by BISS. BISS is the Munich street newspaper written, published and sold by the homeless in Munich. The organization supporting this project also helps the homeless to find housing and reestablish themselves in society.
The tour will include a general introduction to BISS and various partnerships they have with businesses and citizens here in town. The tour will lasts approximately 1 ½ hours, after which we will be going to lunch. The tour will be in German, but there will be program committee members along who will happily do simultaneous translation where necessary.
One tour can take up to 20 persons, and costs 10€ per person. We will be sending a Doodle around shortly, so please sign up if you intend to come along, so we can schedule a second tour if necessary.
AAUPW Members

**************** Some of the AAUPW members at our 2014 Holiday Party ***************
April 4, 2017
March 13, 2017
March AAUPW Events
Program Meeting
Wednesday, March 15th at 6:30 PM
Our speaker this month will be now be our intrepid member Ruth Kreider who has stepped up and said she would speak about her work in Neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is one type of biofeedback in which brainwaves (EEG waves) are analyzed. "Neurofeedback therapy is direct training of brain function, by which the brain learns to function more efficiently. The brain's electrical activity is observed in action and that information is fed back to the person. By means of visual-acoustic feedback, the individual can change abnormal brainwave activity to more optimal patterns and thus gain an improvement to mental and physical symptoms/functions.
After a brief overview of Neurofeedback, I will do a live demonstration showing how this process works. Questions that will be addressed include:
What is EEG Neurofeedback?
How does it Work?
What Conditions Can it Help?
Who Provides this Therapy in and Around Munich?"
For more information, please contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Expat in the City Fair
Sunday, March 12th
Expat in the City (EitC) Fair will be held from 10:00-17:00 in the BMW Welt building on Sunday March 12th. This event is for newcomers and longer-term international residents and provides an excellent forum to discover what is happening on the 2017 Munich international scene.
Program topics include FATCA – Get Compliant, Stay Compliant from 15:45 – 16:15. For those of you still trying to figure out what FACTA is this may be your chance to find out firsthand!
Tickets for the EXPAT in the CITY are free if ordered in advance online (http://www.expatinthecity.de/) or 10 Euros at the door.
Book Club
Change of date! This month we are meeting at the end of the month.
Wednesday, March 29th at 19:00
Eligible: A Modern Retelling of Pride and Prejudice by Curtis Sittenfeld
For more information, please contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Girls Night Out
Please join GNO for dinner this month at the Blue Nile, a fabulous little restaurant in Schwabing featuring Ethiopian cuisine and lots of vegetarian choices.
To find out when and where please drop our president a line at: info@aaupw.de
The American Drama Group Europe
The American Drama Group Europe is a professional English and French language theatre organization based in Munich which tours in many parts of the world with English and French plays in the original language. Our professional actors come from London, New York and Paris where the productions are casted and rehearsed. In the coming months we will have two English language performances in Munich:
1) The Taming of the Shrew-Shakespeare-at the Carl- Orff-Saal in Gasteig on the 21.March at 11.00 and 19.30.
2) TWELFTH NIGHT –Shakespeare at the Brunnenhof der Residenz, München 17.July 2017 19.30 (Open-Air)
I hope to see you at one of these performances,
Grantly Marshall, American Drama Group Europe
Happy Birthday Hands Gallery!
Come celebrate 6 years of Hands Gallery!
When: Friday, March 10th
Time: 5-9 p.m.
Where: Pariser Str. 21.
As usual there will be some door prizes, nibbles and drinks. Plus, good conversation in a relaxed environment.
Volunteer become an AAUPW Board Member
We will be holding AAUPW Board elections during our May program meeting! Some of you have already volunteered to take on positions for the coming year, but we still have a few spots open. Several members have held positions for several years and would be willing to step aside or shift if someone else would like to volunteer. New people mean new ideas, larger resources, and greater energy. We especially need volunteers for the program committee!
I can say from my own experience, being on the Board is a great way to get to know other members and participate in deciding who we are and what we want to accomplish. It is exciting to figure out what kinds of things are available to us because we are a group of interested (and interesting!) women. Over the past 2 years, I have learned and had exposure to topics through our group that simply would not have been available to me as an individual. And it is always exciting and fun to be part of the decision making arm of the group.
A short description of positions and their duties will be sent per email. You may nominate a fellow AAUPW member for a particular position, or volunteer for one of the board positions yourself.
The board meets every 3 months to discuss various items and the future of the club. Board members should be prepared to give approximately 2 hours of their time per month to the club.
February 1, 2017
February AAUPW Events
February Meeting
This month we will hear from fellow member
Kristy Koth who will talk to us about her experiences at the Women’s March in
Washington on Jan. 21, 2017. She took part with her mother Joey, who has been
involved in the women’s rights movement for years. Says Kristy, " DC
was amazing and I cannot wait to tell you all about it! It was such a
tremendous experience."
Here is Munich we also had a fabulous
turnout with 25 AAUPW members who marched Saturday and have their own
experiences of this historic event to share as well. Afterwards, there will be
ample time to see where the discussion leads us.
For more information, please contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Book Club meets
February 7th!
On Tuesday, Feb 7th the Book Club will meet to discuss, "All the Light We
Cannot See".
Upcoming books include:
'Eligible: A modern retelling of 'Pride and Prejudice'
Angus Wilson's, "Anglo-Saxon Attitudes"
If you are interested in joining Book Club, just email our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Upcoming books include:
'Eligible: A modern retelling of 'Pride and Prejudice'
Angus Wilson's, "Anglo-Saxon Attitudes"
If you are interested in joining Book Club, just email our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Girls Night Out (GNO) goes
January 24th was GNO Bowling Night. Members
had a great time at Bavaria Bowl. After having dinner and watching the league
teams, it was our turn to try out our skills. I won’t share the scores, but everyone
had fun, so maybe we will do this again.
Stay tuned for information about the next GNO event!
Your GNO Coordinator
Stay tuned for information about the next GNO event!
Your GNO Coordinator
Bulletin Board
Good deed of the day! - "Brot am
A long-term AAUPW member reports, "if you feel like brightening someone's morning.. check one of the 16+ Munich bakeries which permit customers to offer needy fellow munchers a free cup of coffee, loaf of bread, or Pretzel, et cetra. The initiative is called "Brot am Haken" in which certain bakeries basically offer a place to donate money, so that someone who can't afford their wares will receive free bread." Nice idea! Pay it forward! http://www.brot-am-haken.org/
A long-term AAUPW member reports, "if you feel like brightening someone's morning.. check one of the 16+ Munich bakeries which permit customers to offer needy fellow munchers a free cup of coffee, loaf of bread, or Pretzel, et cetra. The initiative is called "Brot am Haken" in which certain bakeries basically offer a place to donate money, so that someone who can't afford their wares will receive free bread." Nice idea! Pay it forward! http://www.brot-am-haken.org/
January 19, 2017
AAUPW January Events
AAUPW January Meeting Wednesday, January 18th at 6:30 PM
Please join us for a very informative evening with US State Department Vice Consul - Devin Cahill. Ms. Cahill will offer us an inside look into what happens in the American Consulate in Munich in terms of the American Citizen Services Department. This will be a great opportunity for you to ask any questions that you should have about being an American Citizen living abroad.Ms. Devin Cahill is the American Citizen Services (ACS) Chief at the U.S. Consulate in Munich, Germany, where she is posted for two years.
January GNO - Bowling!
To start off 2017, the GNO committee is planning an evening of bowling! Sounds like great fun. The evening is planned for Tuesday, January 24 at 6:30 PM.Book Club
The bookclub is a great way to get to know other members better, as well as discuss interesting books and topics. This month we will be discussing “All the Light We Cannot See.”For more information, please contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Democrats Abroad - Women's March in Munich– January 21
This Saturday, January 21, take a stand and march in Munich to affirm our values and speak up for those who cannot as we host a sister march to the Women's March in Washington. Thousands of marches and vigils will be taking place around the world as we join our fellow patriots in Washington D.C. to stand up for the values we hold dear: tolerance, women's rights, religious freedom, facts, environmental protection, democracy, LGBT rights, black lives matter, science, the right to vote to name a few. Men and women alike are coming together in this march for justice and dignity. We are expecting 500 or more on Saturday so come, men and women, and join this uplifting way to start this new administration's session.Start: Across from the US Consulate 12 pm
Walk to Marienplatz via Odeonsplatz
Arrive Marienplatz (front of Rathaus) 12:45
Walk to Karlsplatz via Briennierstr, Maximillianstr
Arrive Karlsplatz 14:30
Start point is across from U.S. Consulate front gate and we recommend arriving 20 minutes early. It is advised that you bring your passport with you. German authorities have every right to request a passport so let's have them just in case. Please RSVP on our website or on the Women's march website to stay current on any logistical updates.
Rise Up: Feminist Voices Trump Hate
This February, get your friends together to support marginalized groups and take a stand against the conservative and right wing agenda in the US by enjoying some thought provoking feminist theater."Rise Up: Feminist Voices Trump Hate", a performance piece written by an international group of feminist performers about their personal experiences. Join us February 16th and 17th at 20.00 at Eine Welt Haus. Entrance is by donation (recommended donation 8 euros) and all proceeds go to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.
Space is limited so please email munichfeministproject@gmail.com to reserve your place. For more information please check out the event on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/munichfeministproject.
For more information and details about membership and upcoming meetings, please contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
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