October Program Meeting
look at the Democratic Convention
October 19th at 6:30 PM
of our members, Shari Temple, will be our October speaker. Shari was part of
the delegation at the Democratic National Convention representing Democrats
Abroad – Americans living outside of the USA. She will share her experiences of
being in Philadelphia as the first women accepted the nomination as a
presidential candidate for a major US political party. She will explain the
process for selecting candidates as well as the role Democrats Abroad plays in
the DNC.
has been an active member of DA since 2004 serving in various roles within the
organization. No matter what your political preferences are, this should be an
interesting opportunity to learn more about how political parties operate from
someone that was on the convention floor.
more information and details about membership and upcoming meetings, please
contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
Girls Night Out Photo Scavenger Hunt
Thursday, October 13 at 6:30 PM
GNO Event Coordinator
get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather! Join us for a photo scavenger
hunt around the city. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. and break into
teams for a fun filled evening filled with adventure and laughs. Bring your
phone or camera (and any cable you may need to upload). Following the hunt we
will meet together and have a drink and enjoy the photos and crown our winning
team! Hope to see you all there! Contact for location details: info@aaupw.de
We have decided on the following books for
the next months:
October: The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene
November: The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin
January: All the Light we Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (2014)
Next meeting: Tues., October 25, 2016
October: The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene
November: The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin
January: All the Light we Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (2014)
Next meeting: Tues., October 25, 2016
more information, please
contact our club president at: info@aaupw.de
us give thanks! This year's Thanksgiving Feast will be on Thanksgiving Day where we hold our monthly meetings. So please mark
your calendars for Thursday, November 24th! We are very much looking forward to
another great evening of food and a bit of entertainment.
Members are welcome to bring along partners and family members. You can find
additional details regarding cost & reservations in the November newsletter.
2016 English Book Sale - New Location!
14th October from 3pm to 7pm and Saturday 15th October from 11am to 3pm.
The English Book Sale Winter is fast approaching and you'll be
wanting to stock up on plenty of good reading matter and viewing for the months
ahead. You'll have an excellent opportunity to buy good-as-new English books
and DVDs inexpensively - and at the same time support our partner villages in
Tanzania - by buying from the ample selection we'll be offering.
note our new venue: Ernst-Mach-Gymnasium, Jagdfeldring 82, 85540 Haar. The
school is just a 10 minute walk from Haar S-Bahn station (S4 and S6). For a map
showing the school's location please see https://goo.gl/maps/ykue1e1w26K2.
entire proceeds of the Book Sale will help to support the Ilembula partnership
project in Tanzania. If you would like to learn more you will find further
details in German and English under www.ilembula.de/aktion/annual-booksale. We
are also on Facebook under Munich English Book Sale, and on Twitter under
Haar Book Sale Team
Sichere Wiesen 2016 Update
AAUPW members and 3 volunteers from IMMA met up on Monday night to do our
annual Sichere Wiesn flyer "action". We created 4 groups, fanned out
around Munich inner city and passed out hundreds (no, probably thousands) of brochures
to around 70 hotels, hostels and pensions. Thank you to everyone who
-- Sichere Wiesn is a safety point on the Oktoberfest grounds that helps women
and girls who run into any kind of trouble during their visit (e.g., losing
their friends, losing their purses/phones, drinking too much, health issues,
sexual harassment). They help up to 30 people a night!
Election Party!

Members of MING (Munich International Networking Groups),
Friends of the Bavarian-American Friendship,
Events and the Democrats Abroad Munich will hold an Election Party at the
Wirthaus am Bavariaring on 8 November starting at 8 p.m. and will continue
through the night until we know who the next American President will be.
election will be one of the most important that we have had over the last
decades because we Americans will tell the rest of the word what kind of
country we want to be. Either we honor
our international treaties and behave accordingly, or we go into isolation.
This is just one example. There are many
will be plenty of food and drink, music, dancing and 2 large screens with
continuous CNN live coverage. There will also be a small entrance fee to pay
for the rent of the room and equipment and music. About the cost I will inform you shortly.
let me know by return email if you plan to come if you have not already done
On Facebook: TripleD Events