Fall Catch-Up - Wednesday, September 21 at 18:30
After two months of summer break,
we'll be meeting up for our first program meeting of the new AAUPW year. No
speaker this time -- just a chance to see what everyone else has been up to,
and catch up on club news. See you there!
**NOTE: There will be no program
meeting in July. The next meeting will be in September 2016.
Club Meeting - Tuesday, July 19 at 19:00
Join us on Tuesday, July 19 at 7:00
PM for our next meetup to discuss The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin
Hamid. The bookclub is a great way to get to know other members better, as well
as discuss interesting books and topics.And please bring your book ideas or
suggestions for the Fall reading list!
to School Brunch for IMMA
Our next event with IMMA is a Back
to School Brunch planned for September. This is a great way to support the
girls by taking part and is open to all.
Wiesn Update
Oktoberfest will be here
sooner than you know it. And that means Sichere Wiesn support from the
AAUPW. Our club provides supports this
valuable organization that provides a security point at the Oktoberfest grounds
for women and girls who need help.

Our job is to pass out flyers to local
hotels and hostels in the days prior to Oktoberfest, so female guests know
where to go if they find themselves in trouble or need help. We will be meeting
up Friday, September 9 in the early evening and volunteers are needed!
So please let us know if you can
help. Click here for more info on the organization.
Mark your calendars for the Presidential Debate!
The AAUPW sponsored Presidential
debate will take place on Thursday, September 15th, at 7:00 pm. Location to be
For more information and details
about membership and upcoming meetings, please contact our club president at: