Holiday Party! We will be having our annual Holiday Party for all active AAUPW members on Friday, December 16th this year. Please bring your potluck contribution and present(s) for the IMMA girls (list of wished-for presents are in the blog). We will also be having the speed white elephant game, so don't forget your white elephant gift. Details are listed in the blog and in the e-vite sent out to members.
Our choir will also be singing this year mid-December at Anna Haus! If you are interested, please write a note to and get the details.
AAUPW Members

**************** Some of the AAUPW members at our 2014 Holiday Party ***************
December 4, 2012
November 6, 2012
The Book Club is Back!
We laughed, we cried, we ate! We also rolled up our sleeves, did some
heavy-duty arithmetic (thank you Jennifer!) and hammered out a book list
and schedule. The reading list results starting November 2012 through June 2013 are:
Monday, November 26: In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson
Monday, January, 7: Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff
Tuesday, February 5: Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Tuesday, March 5: Sad Desk Salad by Jesica Grose
April: This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz
May: Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier
June: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Monday, November 26: In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson
Monday, January, 7: Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff
Tuesday, February 5: Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Tuesday, March 5: Sad Desk Salad by Jesica Grose
April: This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz
May: Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier
June: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Program Meeting - Wednesday, November 28
Have you ever tried to drive while having the gas pedal floored and the
other foot on the brake? This is what most of us are doing throughout our lives
when our conscious mind wants one thing and our subconscious believes that it
is not safe for us to attain our goal. Kinesiology uses many methods to gently
and permanently resolve blocks we have in our system, thereby relieving the
stress they cause. This evening is an introduction to how this works and what
the results are, as well as the chance to learn some easy exercises known as
“kinesiological coffee” which you can use to balance yourself!
An example: a professional woman starting a new job at company HQ feels
upset and afraid. Intellectually, she knows she is well prepared and well
suited to the job, yet she has no control over the feelings of worry and
anxiety she is feeling. After a session to address the emotional source of her
distress, she is able to start the job with renewed confidence, relieved of
this piece of old emotional baggage.
At our program meeting on November 28th, we are happy to
welcome Patricia Biondo.
Patricia is an active member of AAUPW while at the same time pursuing her
own interests in kinesiology. We're looking
forward to hearing from her.
October 11, 2012
October Program Meeting - Wednesday, October 24

We are excited to hear from our member Joan Totman at our October program meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, October 24th at 6:30 p.m. Joan's presentation is titled "My Year in Moscow - or How I learned to like vodka and caviar!"
In 2011, AAUPW member Joan Totman flew back and forth to Moscow every week. At the October meeting she will share stories and photos of her year in Moscow. If you thought you had culture shock when you moved to Munich, image the double shock of coming from California/Munich then heading to Russia.
September 3, 2012
September 26: September Program Meeting
To kick off our regular program meetings, we are pleased to announce Dr. phil. Gabi Sabo of the KlinikClowns e.V. The KlinikClowns have been active
in Bavaria since 1998 and visit many different hospitals and
institutions. But while doing so they also adhere to a strict ethics
code to guarantee that the clowns work professionally and show respect
for the patients and people they visit.
The clowns' work is based on the scientific evidence that laughter and humor can have a positive effect on people's health. We will learn more about the KinikClowns' work and what sort of support they are looking for at the meeting from Dr. Sabo in person.
The clowns' work is based on the scientific evidence that laughter and humor can have a positive effect on people's health. We will learn more about the KinikClowns' work and what sort of support they are looking for at the meeting from Dr. Sabo in person.
Amerika House Debate on Sept. 20
Mark your
calendars! The AAUPW sponsored
presidential debate is taking place on Thursday, September 20, at 7:00pm. Please spread the word.
July 10, 2012
Please note:
We do not meet in August. Starting in September, our monthly program meetings will take place on the FOURTH Wednesday evening of the month. The book club will resume its activities once a new organizer is found.
July Program Meeting
Given the AAUPW emphasis on women, education and empowerment, you will not want to miss the July meeting! Come hear our members Betty Camacho & Wendi Boxx tell about their involvement and recent trip to India to see first hand the work being done at the Pardada Pardadi Educational Society, an NGO that runs a girls school in Anupshahar, Uttar Pradesh.
Here, deep in provincial India, a world away from rapid modernization, you will be inspired by the story of “Sam” Singh, the industrialist turned idealist who returned to his hometown village with the task of educating the rural Indian girl child. Through this mission to educate girls in the countryside, Pardada Pardadi started a movement that is literally transforming one of the poorest areas of India. You will be moved by the story of the 1,118 girls currently getting an education in an environment where once there was no chance to dream. This school is giving these amazing young girls the opportunity to shine. More importantly these gifted young women are being given a voice to declare defiantly: “I AM NOT A BURDEN.”
Please come and learn more about how you can aid in the education of the most marginalized girl children and about current volunteer opportunities!
When: Wednesday evening, July 18th, 2012
Here, deep in provincial India, a world away from rapid modernization, you will be inspired by the story of “Sam” Singh, the industrialist turned idealist who returned to his hometown village with the task of educating the rural Indian girl child. Through this mission to educate girls in the countryside, Pardada Pardadi started a movement that is literally transforming one of the poorest areas of India. You will be moved by the story of the 1,118 girls currently getting an education in an environment where once there was no chance to dream. This school is giving these amazing young girls the opportunity to shine. More importantly these gifted young women are being given a voice to declare defiantly: “I AM NOT A BURDEN.”
Please come and learn more about how you can aid in the education of the most marginalized girl children and about current volunteer opportunities!
When: Wednesday evening, July 18th, 2012
Girls' Night Out
To wrap up this year, we are going to the Kocherlball at the Chinese Tower in the English Gardens on Sunday, 15 July, from 6 am to 10 am. That’s right: this is not a late-night event, it is a Greet-the-Sun-with-Fun one!
The tradition of the Kocherlball started around 1880 when house servants (cooks, nannies, butlers, etc.) met on Sunday – their free day or at least free morning – to dance and generally enjoy themselves. And enjoy themselves they did for the Kocherlball was banned in 1904 for “Mangel an Sittlichkeit” (lack of morality). It was re-instated in 1989 as part of the 200th anniversary of the English Gardens.
Nowadays people still come to dance – waltz, polka, Zwiefacher and Münchner Francaise, many dressed up in Tracht or 19th century dress. But most (up to 10,000 when the weather is good) come just to enjoy the morning atmosphere in the Gardens, listen to the music, and watch the dancers and other festivities. Yes, and have a beer or two.
The tradition of the Kocherlball started around 1880 when house servants (cooks, nannies, butlers, etc.) met on Sunday – their free day or at least free morning – to dance and generally enjoy themselves. And enjoy themselves they did for the Kocherlball was banned in 1904 for “Mangel an Sittlichkeit” (lack of morality). It was re-instated in 1989 as part of the 200th anniversary of the English Gardens.
Nowadays people still come to dance – waltz, polka, Zwiefacher and Münchner Francaise, many dressed up in Tracht or 19th century dress. But most (up to 10,000 when the weather is good) come just to enjoy the morning atmosphere in the Gardens, listen to the music, and watch the dancers and other festivities. Yes, and have a beer or two.
May 1, 2012
May Program Meeting
The May meeting is primarily devoted to electing officers for the coming year.
After the elections, Christine Rudolf-Jilg of AMYNA will speak briefly about the Security Point at Oktoberfest. Christine will provide details on the fascinating history of the Security Point and will as well explain how best the AAUPW can help moving forward.
She will detail the latest outreach and education efforts of the Sichere Wiesn, which started as just an idea 10 years ago and first served women at the Oktoberfest in 2003. Much has been accomplished and it will be a great opportunity for us to learn more.
When: Wednesday evening, May 16th, at 18:30
After the elections, Christine Rudolf-Jilg of AMYNA will speak briefly about the Security Point at Oktoberfest. Christine will provide details on the fascinating history of the Security Point and will as well explain how best the AAUPW can help moving forward.
She will detail the latest outreach and education efforts of the Sichere Wiesn, which started as just an idea 10 years ago and first served women at the Oktoberfest in 2003. Much has been accomplished and it will be a great opportunity for us to learn more.
When: Wednesday evening, May 16th, at 18:30
April 5, 2012
April 2012 - Program Meeting
Our topic for the month is IT security with speaker Kim Gaddy. Kim is an American who has been working in Munich for 1.5 yrs. She is the Group Information Security Manager at Allianz SE.
She will address security for business and personal data. You won't want to miss this eye-opening session.
When: Weds. evening, April 18th, at 6:30 PM
She will address security for business and personal data. You won't want to miss this eye-opening session.
When: Weds. evening, April 18th, at 6:30 PM
March 4, 2012
Girls' Night Out
There once were ladies with clout
Lively lasses who sure got about
They ate in good cheer
Drank wine, sekt and beer
And they called it Girls’ Night Out
On March 15 – yes, a Thursday
The ladies again want to play...
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we'll meet at our favorite Irish bar. Come wearing at least a spot of green and (please) with a limerick to share.
When: Thursday evening, March 15
Lively lasses who sure got about
They ate in good cheer
Drank wine, sekt and beer
And they called it Girls’ Night Out
On March 15 – yes, a Thursday
The ladies again want to play...
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we'll meet at our favorite Irish bar. Come wearing at least a spot of green and (please) with a limerick to share.
When: Thursday evening, March 15
March Program Meeting
Carolyn Morrow will speak on the topic of Expressive Arts for our March Meeting.
Carolyn currently teaches classes and workshops in acting and writing in Munich. She has an MA in Theater with a focus on Directing and an MFA in Dramatic Writing from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. In the last 10 years, she has become increasingly involved in other arts such as dance, painting, and sculpting with clay. For most of her life, she has recognized and personally experienced the healing effects of the arts. She has just completed pre-doctoral course work in the field of Expressive Arts at the European Graduate School in Switzerland, where she was taught by Paolo Knill, the founder of Expressive Arts. Because Carolyn has found her work in the Expressive Arts both moving and transformative, she would like to give us a taste of what it’s all about:
Expressive Arts places arts at the center of its theory and practice, and Expressive Arts trainers are specialists in the intermodal use of arts as a means to helping individuals or communities to increase their imaginative play-range and to help them identify their own resources. Trainers are specialists in the intermodal use of arts as a means to helping individuals or communities.
The field is beginning to flourish within coaching, qualitative academic research, as well as within socio/political agencies worldwide. It works with individual clients and small group workshops as well as team building and problem solving for businesses and countries that have experienced acute trauma.
Expressive Arts facilitators begin with the assumption that their clients are the experts of their own let's start there. Please join us!
When: Wednesday evening, March 21st
Carolyn currently teaches classes and workshops in acting and writing in Munich. She has an MA in Theater with a focus on Directing and an MFA in Dramatic Writing from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. In the last 10 years, she has become increasingly involved in other arts such as dance, painting, and sculpting with clay. For most of her life, she has recognized and personally experienced the healing effects of the arts. She has just completed pre-doctoral course work in the field of Expressive Arts at the European Graduate School in Switzerland, where she was taught by Paolo Knill, the founder of Expressive Arts. Because Carolyn has found her work in the Expressive Arts both moving and transformative, she would like to give us a taste of what it’s all about:
Expressive Arts places arts at the center of its theory and practice, and Expressive Arts trainers are specialists in the intermodal use of arts as a means to helping individuals or communities to increase their imaginative play-range and to help them identify their own resources. Trainers are specialists in the intermodal use of arts as a means to helping individuals or communities.
The field is beginning to flourish within coaching, qualitative academic research, as well as within socio/political agencies worldwide. It works with individual clients and small group workshops as well as team building and problem solving for businesses and countries that have experienced acute trauma.
Expressive Arts facilitators begin with the assumption that their clients are the experts of their own let's start there. Please join us!
When: Wednesday evening, March 21st
January 31, 2012
Feb. 2012 Program Meeting - Update
In February we are happy to welcome Jane Scheiring, Program Manager, Election Services, of Overseas Vote Foundation. (Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat, originally scheduled to speak, has been unexpectedly called away on business.)
Jane is from Minnesota, has lived in Munich for nearly 20 years, and has been with OVF for about two years now. The Overseas Vote Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that helps overseas and military voters participate in federal elections by providing public access to interactive web services.
We're looking forward to hearing how we overseas voters can register, and why we should be passionate about the presidential election coming up this year!
For more information about Jane and her organization, go to:
Potential members are welcome to visit. For info about meeting time and location, please contact Claudia at
When: Wednesday evening, February 15
Jane is from Minnesota, has lived in Munich for nearly 20 years, and has been with OVF for about two years now. The Overseas Vote Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that helps overseas and military voters participate in federal elections by providing public access to interactive web services.
We're looking forward to hearing how we overseas voters can register, and why we should be passionate about the presidential election coming up this year!
For more information about Jane and her organization, go to:
Potential members are welcome to visit. For info about meeting time and location, please contact Claudia at
When: Wednesday evening, February 15
February Book Club
This month's reading is Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto, originally scheduled for last October. It is a very interesting take on the American education system and its impact on our kids. Gatto’s storytelling skill shines as he relates tales of real people who fled the school system and succeeded in spite of the popular wisdom that insists on diplomas, degrees and credentials. He focuses on mechanisms of familiar schooling that cripple imagination, discourage critical thinking, and create a false view of learning as a by-product of rote-memorization drills.
John Taylor Gatto taught for thirty years in public schools. He climaxed his teaching career as New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991. That same year, he resigned from school-teaching in the op-ed pages of The Wall Street Journal. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to bring about school reform.
Come for what is sure to be an interesting discussion on what could be a hot topic!
When: Monday evening, Feb. 6th
John Taylor Gatto taught for thirty years in public schools. He climaxed his teaching career as New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991. That same year, he resigned from school-teaching in the op-ed pages of The Wall Street Journal. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to bring about school reform.
Come for what is sure to be an interesting discussion on what could be a hot topic!
When: Monday evening, Feb. 6th
Girls' Night Out
How often have we heard the line: “Oh, I know this great little Italian place…..“? And lucky for us, there are quite a few out there. This time, we visit one of our favorite Italian restaurants near the university.
When: Friday evening, Feb. 17th
When: Friday evening, Feb. 17th
January 10, 2012
January Program Meeting
Our January speaker will be Sonia Allinson-Penny. She will cover the topic 'The Female Antidote to Corporate Greed' at this month's AAUPW meeting.
Sonia will take us through important shifts in the business world, where governing bodies have learnt valuable lessons from high profile and widespread corporate failures that, in part, can be attributed to a homogeneous group being in positions of power. She will draw linkages between the move by Stock Exchanges to impose gender quotas for board membership, to the increase in emotional intelligence being applied in the business world, to a shift in our understanding of what drives and motivates us and wider societal changes -- a current and controversial topic that promises to generate good debate.
For more information, please contact
When: Wednesday evening, January 18, at 18:30
Sonia will take us through important shifts in the business world, where governing bodies have learnt valuable lessons from high profile and widespread corporate failures that, in part, can be attributed to a homogeneous group being in positions of power. She will draw linkages between the move by Stock Exchanges to impose gender quotas for board membership, to the increase in emotional intelligence being applied in the business world, to a shift in our understanding of what drives and motivates us and wider societal changes -- a current and controversial topic that promises to generate good debate.
For more information, please contact
When: Wednesday evening, January 18, at 18:30
January 9, 2012
January 2012 Book Club
Come join us for the January Book Club where we will be discussing:
In Defence of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan.
His bracing and eloquent manifesto on food shows us how we might start making thoughtful choices that will enrich our lives and our palates and enlarge our sense of what it means to be healthy. Food is the one thing that Americans hate to love and, as it turns out, love to hate. What we want to eat has been ousted by the notion of what we should eat, and it's at this nexus of hunger and hang-up that Michael Pollan poses his most salient question: where is the food in our food? What follows in In Defense of Food is a series of wonderfully clear and thoughtful answers that help us omnivores navigate the nutritional minefield that's come to typify our food culture.
When: Monday, 09. January 2012 at 18:30
Coming Up:
Feb: Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto (originally from October)
In Defence of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan.
His bracing and eloquent manifesto on food shows us how we might start making thoughtful choices that will enrich our lives and our palates and enlarge our sense of what it means to be healthy. Food is the one thing that Americans hate to love and, as it turns out, love to hate. What we want to eat has been ousted by the notion of what we should eat, and it's at this nexus of hunger and hang-up that Michael Pollan poses his most salient question: where is the food in our food? What follows in In Defense of Food is a series of wonderfully clear and thoughtful answers that help us omnivores navigate the nutritional minefield that's come to typify our food culture.
When: Monday, 09. January 2012 at 18:30
Coming Up:
Feb: Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto (originally from October)
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